Web Service: timecard1
Target Namespace:
Port timecard1Soap Port typeSource code
Default style:
Transport protocol:
- ackUserEventSynchronisationDetailSource code
- ackUserSynchronisationDetailSource code
- addCustomFieldDetailSource code
- addNewTaskDetailSource code
- addRateCodeDetailSource code
- addSubTasksToTaskDetailSource code
- addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamDetailSource code
- addSubtaskToTaskDetailSource code
- addTaskForManagerDetailSource code
- addTaskWithAddressDetailSource code
- addTasksToTeamDetailSource code
- addUserToTeamDetailSource code
- createBreakTypeDetailSource code
- createFieldDeviceDetailSource code
- createNewTeamDetailSource code
- createUserDetailSource code
- deleteBreakTypeDetailSource code
- deleteCustomFieldDetailSource code
- deleteFieldDeviceDetailSource code
- deleteRateCodeDetailSource code
- deleteSubTasksFromTaskDetailSource code
- deleteSubtaskDetailSource code
- deleteTasksFromAllTeamsDetailSource code
- deleteTasksFromTeamDetailSource code
- deleteTeamDetailSource code
- deleteUserDetailSource code
- getAllUserEventsDetailSource code
- getBreakTypesDetailSource code
- getCustomFieldListDetailSource code
- getDetailedFieldDeviceListDetailSource code
- getDetailedHourSummariesDetailSource code
- getDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageDetailSource code
- getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeDetailSource code
- getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayDetailSource code
- getDetailedTaskListDetailSource code
- getDetailedUserHourSummaryDetailSource code
- getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeDetailSource code
- getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayDetailSource code
- getFieldDeviceDetailDetailSource code
- getFieldDeviceDetailsDetailSource code
- getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSinceDetailSource code
- getFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDDetailSource code
- getFieldDevicePKForNameDetailSource code
- getHourSummariesDetailSource code
- getLastUserEventsDetailSource code
- getManagerSummariesDetailSource code
- getOrganisationDetailDetailSource code
- getOvertimeRulesBeanDetailSource code
- getSubtaskListDetailSource code
- getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamDetailSource code
- getTaskListDetailSource code
- getTaskTypeSequenceForUserDetailSource code
- getTasksForTeamDetailSource code
- getTeamListDetailSource code
- getUnsynchronisedUserEventsDetailSource code
- getUnsynchronisedUsersDetailSource code
- getUserDetailDetailSource code
- getUserDetailByLoginIDDetailSource code
- getUserDetailsDetailSource code
- getUserEventsDetailSource code
- getUserEventsBySynchronisationDetailSource code
- getUserGPSDetailSource code
- getUserHoursSummaryDetailSource code
- getUserSummariesDetailSource code
- getUserTypesDetailSource code
- getUsersBySynchronisationDetailSource code
- removeTaskDetailSource code
- removeUserFromTeamDetailSource code
- renameTaskDetailSource code
- sendMessageToTeamDetailSource code
- sendMessageToUserDetailSource code
- setFieldWorkerUnionCodeDetailSource code
- updateFieldDeviceDetailSource code
- updateOrganisationDetailDetailSource code
- updateTaskDetailsDetailSource code
- updateTaskManagerDetailSource code
- updateTaskStartEndDetailSource code
- updateUserDetailSource code
- updateUserPasswordDetailSource code
- wakeFieldDeviceDetailSource code
- wakeTeamFieldDevicesDetailSource code
- ackUserEventSynchronisationOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/ackUserEventSynchronisationInput:ackUserEventSynchronisationRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
eventSyncBean type ArrayOfUserEventSynchronisationBean - array of type UserEventSynchronisationBean - extension of type SynchronisationBean- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
- eventID - optional; type string
Output:ackUserEventSynchronisationResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type AckUserEventSynchronisationResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- eventNotFoundFailure - optional; type EventNotFoundFailure
- eventPK - nillable; type string
- ackUserSynchronisationOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/ackUserSynchronisationInput:ackUserSynchronisationRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
users type ArrayOfUserSynchronisationBean - array of type UserSynchronisationBean - extension of type SynchronisationBean- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
- userPK type string
Output:ackUserSynchronisationResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type AckUserSynchronisationResult- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - nillable; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- tooManyFailure - nillable; type TooManyFailure
- limit type int
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- addCustomFieldOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addCustomFieldInput:addCustomFieldRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
customField type CustomFieldBean- name type string
- deviceProperty type FieldDeviceProperty - type string with restriction - enum { 'EDITABLE', 'REQUIRED' }
- orderIndex type int
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
Output:addCustomFieldResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddCustomFieldResponse type GetAddCustomFieldResponse- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- customFieldPK - nillable; type string
- addNewTaskOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addNewTaskInput:addNewTaskRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringOutput:addNewTaskResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type AddNewTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- addRateCodeOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addRateCodeInput:addRateCodeRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringtaskName type stringrateCode type stringOutput:addRateCodeResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddRateCodeResponse type AddRateCodeResponse- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- addSubTasksToTaskOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addSubTasksToTaskInput:addSubTasksToTaskRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringsubtasks type ArrayOfString - array of type stringOutput:addSubTasksToTaskResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddSubTasksToTaskResponse type AddNewSubTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- taskNotFoundFailure - optional; type TaskNotFoundFailure
- task - nillable; type string
- addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamInput:addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringtaskName type stringsubTasks type ArrayOfString - array of type stringOutput:addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddSubTasksToTaskAndTeamResponse type AddSubTasksToTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- taskNotFoundFailure - optional; type TaskNotFoundFailure
- task - nillable; type string
- addSubtaskToTaskOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addSubtaskToTaskInput:addSubtaskToTaskRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringsubTaskName type stringOutput:addSubtaskToTaskResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddSubtaskToTaskResponse type AddNewSubTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- taskNotFoundFailure - optional; type TaskNotFoundFailure
- task - nillable; type string
- addTaskForManagerOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addTaskForManagerInput:addTaskForManagerRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
managerID type stringtask type DetailedTaskWithAddressAndTime - extension of type DetailedTaskWithAddress - extension of type DetailedTask- taskName type string
- teamName type string
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 type string
- city type string
- state type string
- postCode - nillable; type string
- country - nillable; type string
- start - nillable; type dateTime
- end - nillable; type dateTime
Output:addTaskForManagerResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddTaskForManagerResponse type AddNewTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- addTaskWithAddressOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addTaskWithAddressInput:addTaskWithAddressRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
task type DetailedTaskWithAddress - extension of type DetailedTask- taskName type string
- teamName type string
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 type string
- city type string
- state type string
- postCode - nillable; type string
- country - nillable; type string
Output:addTaskWithAddressResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddTaskWithAddressResponse type AddNewTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- addTasksToTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addTasksToTeamInput:addTasksToTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringtasks type ArrayOfString - array of type stringOutput:addTasksToTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddTasksToTeamResponse type AddTasksToTeamResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- addUserToTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/addUserToTeamInput:addUserToTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringuserPK type stringOutput:addUserToTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type AddUserToTeamResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- userAlreadyInTeamFailure - optional; type UserAlreadyInTeamFailure
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- createBreakTypeOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/createBreakTypeInput:createBreakTypeRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
breakType type stringOutput:createBreakTypeResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateBreakTypeResult type CreateBreakTypeResult- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- breakTypeExistsFailure - nillable; type BreakTypeExistsFailure
- breakType - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- createFieldDeviceOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/createFieldDeviceInput:createFieldDeviceRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
fieldDevice type FieldDeviceBean- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deviceID type string
- name type string
- userPK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- isDisabled type boolean
- isDeleted type boolean
- whenLastUpdated - nillable; type dateTime
Output:createFieldDeviceResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type CreateFieldDeviceResult- primaryKeyUpdateIndex - nillable; type PrimaryKeyUpdateIndex
- primaryKey type string
- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- createNewTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/createNewTeamInput:createNewTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringteamLeaderUserPK type stringOutput:createNewTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type CreateNewTeamResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- createUserOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/createUserInput:createUserRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
user type UserBean- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deleted type boolean
- loginID type string
- name type string
- teams - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- timezone type string
- userTypePK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- emailAddress - nillable; type string
- phoneNumber - nillable; type string
- faxNumber - nillable; type string
- pagerNumber - nillable; type string
- mobileNumber - nillable; type string
- securityQuestion - nillable; type string
- securityAnswer - nillable; type string
- synchronisation - nillable; type ArrayOfSynchronisationBean - array of type SynchronisationBean
- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
password type stringOutput:createUserResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type CreateUserResult- primaryKeyUpdateIndex - nillable; type PrimaryKeyUpdateIndex
- primaryKey type string
- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- deleteBreakTypeOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteBreakTypeInput:deleteBreakTypeRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
breakType type stringOutput:deleteBreakTypeResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteBreakTypeResult type DeleteBreakTypeResult- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- breakTypeNotFoundFailure - nillable; type BreakTypeNotFoundFailure
- breakType - nillable; type string
- deleteCustomFieldOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteCustomFieldInput:deleteCustomFieldRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
customFieldPK type stringOutput:deleteCustomFieldResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteCustomFieldResponse type DeleteCustomFieldResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- deleteFieldDeviceOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteFieldDeviceInput:deleteFieldDeviceRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
fieldDevicePK type stringupdateIndex type intOutput:deleteFieldDeviceResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type DeleteFieldDeviceResult- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- fieldDeviceNotFoundFailure - nillable; type FieldDeviceNotFoundFailure
- fieldDevicePK - optional; type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- concurrentUpdateFailure - nillable; type ConcurrentUpdateFailure
- source type ConcurrentUpdateSource - type string with restriction - enum { 'CUSTOMER', 'FIELD_DEVICE', 'JOB', 'ORGANISATION', 'USER' }
- serverUpdateIndex type int
- requestUpdateIndex type int
- deleteRateCodeOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteRateCodeInput:deleteRateCodeRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringtaskName type stringOutput:deleteRateCodeResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteRateCodeResponse type DeleteRateCodeResponse- rateCodeNotFoundFailure - optional; type RateCodeNotFoundFailure
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- deleteSubTasksFromTaskOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteSubTasksFromTaskInput:deleteSubTasksFromTaskRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringtaskName type stringsubTasks type ArrayOfString - array of type stringOutput:deleteSubTasksFromTaskResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteSubTasksFromTaskResponse type DeleteSubTasksFromTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- taskNotFoundFailure - optional; type TaskNotFoundFailure
- task - nillable; type string
- deleteSubtaskOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteSubtaskInput:deleteSubtaskRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringsubTaskName type stringOutput:deleteSubtaskResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteSubtaskResponse type DeleteSubtaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- taskNotFoundFailure - optional; type TaskNotFoundFailure
- task - nillable; type string
- deleteTasksFromAllTeamsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteTasksFromAllTeamsInput:deleteTasksFromAllTeamsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
tasks type ArrayOfString - array of type stringOutput:deleteTasksFromAllTeamsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteTasksFromAllTeamsResponse type DeleteTasksFromAllTeamsResponse- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- deleteTasksFromTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteTasksFromTeamInput:deleteTasksFromTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringtasks type ArrayOfString - array of type stringOutput:deleteTasksFromTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteTasksFromTeamResponse type DeleteTasksFromTeamResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- deleteTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteTeamInput:deleteTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringOutput:deleteTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type DeleteTeamResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- deleteUserOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/deleteUserInput:deleteUserRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringupdateIndex type intOutput:deleteUserResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type DeleteUserResult- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - nillable; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- concurrentUpdateFailure - nillable; type ConcurrentUpdateFailure
- source type ConcurrentUpdateSource - type string with restriction - enum { 'CUSTOMER', 'FIELD_DEVICE', 'JOB', 'ORGANISATION', 'USER' }
- serverUpdateIndex type int
- requestUpdateIndex type int
- getAllUserEventsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getAllUserEventsInput:getAllUserEventsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
startDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeOutput:getAllUserEventsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetAllUserEventsResult- events - nillable; type ArrayOfEventBean - array of type EventBean
- whenOccured type dateTime
- eventID - optional; type string
- eventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- userName - optional; type string
- deviceID - optional; type string
- userPK - optional; type string
- userType - optional; type string
- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getBreakTypesOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getBreakTypesInput:getBreakTypesRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getBreakTypesResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetBreakTypesResult type GetBreakTypesResult- breakTypes - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getCustomFieldListOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getCustomFieldListInput:getCustomFieldListRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getCustomFieldListResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetCustomFieldListResponse type GetCustomFieldListResult- customFields - nillable; type ArrayOfCustomFieldBean - array of type CustomFieldBean
- name type string
- deviceProperty type FieldDeviceProperty - type string with restriction - enum { 'EDITABLE', 'REQUIRED' }
- orderIndex type int
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getDetailedFieldDeviceListOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedFieldDeviceListInput:getDetailedFieldDeviceListRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getDetailedFieldDeviceListResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDetailedFieldDeviceListResponse type GetDetailedFieldDeviceListResponse- deviceList - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedFieldDevice - array of type DetailedFieldDevice
- fieldDevicePK type string
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getDetailedHourSummariesOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedHourSummariesInput:getDetailedHourSummariesRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
startDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeshowUserTZFlag type booleanOutput:getDetailedHourSummariesResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetDetailedHourSummariesResult- userHours - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBean - array of type DetailedHourBreakdownBean
- userPrimaryKey type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- dateStart type dateTime
- dateEnd type dateTime
- timeZoneOffset type string
- startEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- endEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- teamName type string
- taskName type string
- subtaskName type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageInput:getDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
start type dateTimeend type dateTimeOutput:getDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageResponse type GetDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageResult- summaries - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithMileage - array of type DetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithMileage - extension of type DetailedHourBreakdownBean
- userPrimaryKey type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- dateStart type dateTime
- dateEnd type dateTime
- timeZoneOffset type string
- startEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- endEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- teamName type string
- taskName type string
- subtaskName type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- eventStartPK type string
- mileage type int
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeInput:getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
startDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeshowUserTZFlag type booleanOutput:getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeResponse type GetDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeResult- summaries - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCode - array of type DetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCode - extension of type DetailedHourBreakdownBean
- userPrimaryKey type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- dateStart type dateTime
- dateEnd type dateTime
- timeZoneOffset type string
- startEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- endEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- teamName type string
- taskName type string
- subtaskName type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- rateCode - optional; type string
- deviceDescription - optional; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayInput:getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
startDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeOutput:getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResponse type GetDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResult- summaries - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCodeAndPremiumPay - array of type DetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCodeAndPremiumPay - extension of type DetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCode - extension of type DetailedHourBreakdownBean
- userPrimaryKey type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- dateStart type dateTime
- dateEnd type dateTime
- timeZoneOffset type string
- startEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- endEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- teamName type string
- taskName type string
- subtaskName type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- rateCode - optional; type string
- deviceDescription - optional; type string
- premiumPay - optional; type boolean
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getDetailedTaskListOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedTaskListInput:getDetailedTaskListRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getDetailedTaskListResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDetailedTaskListResponse type GetDetailedTaskListResponse- taskList - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedTask - array of type DetailedTask
- taskName type string
- teamName type string
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getDetailedUserHourSummaryOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedUserHourSummaryInput:getDetailedUserHourSummaryRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringstartDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeshowUserTZFlag type booleanOutput:getDetailedUserHourSummaryResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetDetailedUserHourSummaryResult- userHours - optional; type ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBean - array of type DetailedHourBreakdownBean
- userPrimaryKey type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- dateStart type dateTime
- dateEnd type dateTime
- timeZoneOffset type string
- startEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- endEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- teamName type string
- taskName type string
- subtaskName type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeInput:getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringstartDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeshowUserTZFlag type booleanOutput:getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeResponse type GetDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeResult- summaries - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCode - array of type DetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCode - extension of type DetailedHourBreakdownBean
- userPrimaryKey type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- dateStart type dateTime
- dateEnd type dateTime
- timeZoneOffset type string
- startEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- endEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- teamName type string
- taskName type string
- subtaskName type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- rateCode - optional; type string
- deviceDescription - optional; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayInput:getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringstartDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeOutput:getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResponse type GetDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResult- summaries - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCodeAndPremiumPay - array of type DetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCodeAndPremiumPay - extension of type DetailedHourBreakdownBeanWithRateCode - extension of type DetailedHourBreakdownBean
- userPrimaryKey type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- dateStart type dateTime
- dateEnd type dateTime
- timeZoneOffset type string
- startEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- endEventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- teamName type string
- taskName type string
- subtaskName type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- rateCode - optional; type string
- deviceDescription - optional; type string
- premiumPay - optional; type boolean
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getFieldDeviceDetailOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getFieldDeviceDetailInput:getFieldDeviceDetailRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
fieldDevicePK type stringOutput:getFieldDeviceDetailResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetFieldDeviceDetailResult- fieldDeviceDetail - nillable; type FieldDeviceBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deviceID type string
- name type string
- userPK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- isDisabled type boolean
- isDeleted type boolean
- whenLastUpdated - nillable; type dateTime
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getFieldDeviceDetailsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getFieldDeviceDetailsInput:getFieldDeviceDetailsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getFieldDeviceDetailsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetFieldDeviceDetailsResult- fieldDeviceDetails - nillable; type ArrayOfFieldDeviceBean - array of type FieldDeviceBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deviceID type string
- name type string
- userPK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- isDisabled type boolean
- isDeleted type boolean
- whenLastUpdated - nillable; type dateTime
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSinceOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSinceInput:getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSinceRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
since type dateTimeOutput:getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSinceResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSinceResult- fieldDeviceDetails - nillable; type ArrayOfFieldDeviceBean - array of type FieldDeviceBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deviceID type string
- name type string
- userPK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- isDisabled type boolean
- isDeleted type boolean
- whenLastUpdated - nillable; type dateTime
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- tooManyFailure - nillable; type TooManyFailure
- limit type int
- getFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDInput:getFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
deviceID type stringOutput:getFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDResult- fieldDevicePK - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getFieldDevicePKForNameOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getFieldDevicePKForNameInput:getFieldDevicePKForNameRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
fieldDeviceName type stringOutput:getFieldDevicePKForNameResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetFieldDevicePKForNameResult- fieldDevicePK - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getHourSummariesOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getHourSummariesInput:getHourSummariesRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
startDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeOutput:getHourSummariesResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetHourSummariesResult- userHours - nillable; type ArrayOfHourBreakdownBean - array of type HourBreakdownBean
- userPK type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getLastUserEventsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getLastUserEventsInput:getLastUserEventsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getLastUserEventsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetLastUserEventsResponse type GetLastUserEventsResult- events - nillable; type ArrayOfPositionEventBean - array of type PositionEventBean - extension of type TaskEventBean - extension of type EventBean
- whenOccured type dateTime
- eventID - optional; type string
- eventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- userName - optional; type string
- deviceID - optional; type string
- userPK - optional; type string
- userType - optional; type string
- updateIndex type int
- taskName type string
- latitude type string
- longitude type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getManagerSummariesOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getManagerSummariesInput:getManagerSummariesRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getManagerSummariesResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetManagerSummariesResponse type GetUserSummariesResult- userSummaries - nillable; type ArrayOfUserSummaryBean - array of type UserSummaryBean
- primaryKey type string
- name type string
- description type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getOrganisationDetailOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getOrganisationDetailInput:getOrganisationDetailRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getOrganisationDetailResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetOrganisationDetailResult- organisationDetails - optional; type OrganisationDetailsBean
- name type string
- description type string
- taxNumber - optional; type string
- taxRate type string
- accountNumber - optional; type string
- address1 - optional; type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- address4 - optional; type string
- postCode - optional; type string
- country type string
- locale type string
- contactName type string
- contactWorkPhone type string
- contactMobilePhone - optional; type string
- contactEmailAddress type string
- externalID - optional; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getOvertimeRulesBeanOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getOvertimeRulesBeanInput:getOvertimeRulesBeanRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getOvertimeRulesBeanResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetOvertimeRulesBeanResult- overTimeRules - nillable; type ArrayOfOverTimeRuleBean - array of type OverTimeRuleBean
- userTypeAppliedTo - optional; type string
- startDate type dateTime
- endDate - optional; type dateTime
- includeBreakInTimeWorked type boolean
- overTimeRule - optional; type OverTimeBean
- applicable type boolean
- hoursPerDay - optional; type HoursPeriodBean
- applicable type boolean
- hours type int
- minutes type int
- hoursPerWeek - optional; type HoursPeriodBean
- applicable type boolean
- hours type int
- minutes type int
- extraTimeRule - optional; type OverTimeBean
- applicable type boolean
- hoursPerDay - optional; type HoursPeriodBean
- applicable type boolean
- hours type int
- minutes type int
- hoursPerWeek - optional; type HoursPeriodBean
- applicable type boolean
- hours type int
- minutes type int
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getSubtaskListOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getSubtaskListInput:getSubtaskListRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringOutput:getSubtaskListResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetSubtaskListResponse type GetSubTaskListResult- taskList - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- taskNotFoundFailure - optional; type TaskNotFoundFailure
- task - nillable; type string
- getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamInput:getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringtaskName type stringOutput:getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetSubtasksForTaskAndTeamResponse type GetSubtasksForTaskAndTeamResult- subtasks - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- taskNotFoundFailure - optional; type TaskNotFoundFailure
- task - nillable; type string
- getTaskListOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getTaskListInput:getTaskListRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getTaskListResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetTaskListResult- taskList - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getTaskTypeSequenceForUserOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getTaskTypeSequenceForUserInput:getTaskTypeSequenceForUserRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringOutput:getTaskTypeSequenceForUserResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetTaskTypeSequenceForUserResponse type GetTaskTypeSequenceForUserResponse- tasks - nillable; type ArrayOfTaskSubtaskBean - array of type TaskSubtaskBean
- task type DetailedTask
- taskName type string
- teamName type string
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- subtasks type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- task type DetailedTask
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- getTasksForTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getTasksForTeamInput:getTasksForTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringOutput:getTasksForTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetTasksForTeamResponse type GetTasksForTeamResult- tasks - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- getTeamListOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getTeamListInput:getTeamListRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getTeamListResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetTeamListResponse type GetTeamListResponse- teamList - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getUnsynchronisedUserEventsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUnsynchronisedUserEventsInput:getUnsynchronisedUserEventsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
synchronisationID type stringendDate type dateTimeOutput:getUnsynchronisedUserEventsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUnsynchronisedUserEventsResult- events - nillable; type ArrayOfTaskEventBean - array of type TaskEventBean - extension of type EventBean
- whenOccured type dateTime
- eventID - optional; type string
- eventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- userName - optional; type string
- deviceID - optional; type string
- userPK - optional; type string
- userType - optional; type string
- updateIndex type int
- taskName type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getUnsynchronisedUsersOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUnsynchronisedUsersInput:getUnsynchronisedUsersRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
synchronisationID type stringcreatedOnOrAfter type dateTimeOutput:getUnsynchronisedUsersResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUnsynchronisedUsersResult- users - nillable; type ArrayOfUserBean - array of type UserBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deleted type boolean
- loginID type string
- name type string
- teams - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- timezone type string
- userTypePK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- emailAddress - nillable; type string
- phoneNumber - nillable; type string
- faxNumber - nillable; type string
- pagerNumber - nillable; type string
- mobileNumber - nillable; type string
- securityQuestion - nillable; type string
- securityAnswer - nillable; type string
- synchronisation - nillable; type ArrayOfSynchronisationBean - array of type SynchronisationBean
- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getUserDetailOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserDetailInput:getUserDetailRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringOutput:getUserDetailResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUserDetailResult- userDetails - optional; type UserBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deleted type boolean
- loginID type string
- name type string
- teams - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- timezone type string
- userTypePK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- emailAddress - nillable; type string
- phoneNumber - nillable; type string
- faxNumber - nillable; type string
- pagerNumber - nillable; type string
- mobileNumber - nillable; type string
- securityQuestion - nillable; type string
- securityAnswer - nillable; type string
- synchronisation - nillable; type ArrayOfSynchronisationBean - array of type SynchronisationBean
- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getUserDetailByLoginIDOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserDetailByLoginIDInput:getUserDetailByLoginIDRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
loginID type stringOutput:getUserDetailByLoginIDResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetUserDetailByLoginIDResponse type GetUserDetailResult- userDetails - optional; type UserBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deleted type boolean
- loginID type string
- name type string
- teams - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- timezone type string
- userTypePK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- emailAddress - nillable; type string
- phoneNumber - nillable; type string
- faxNumber - nillable; type string
- pagerNumber - nillable; type string
- mobileNumber - nillable; type string
- securityQuestion - nillable; type string
- securityAnswer - nillable; type string
- synchronisation - nillable; type ArrayOfSynchronisationBean - array of type SynchronisationBean
- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getUserDetailsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserDetailsInput:getUserDetailsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getUserDetailsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUserDetailsResult- userDetails - nillable; type ArrayOfUserBean - array of type UserBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deleted type boolean
- loginID type string
- name type string
- teams - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- timezone type string
- userTypePK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- emailAddress - nillable; type string
- phoneNumber - nillable; type string
- faxNumber - nillable; type string
- pagerNumber - nillable; type string
- mobileNumber - nillable; type string
- securityQuestion - nillable; type string
- securityAnswer - nillable; type string
- synchronisation - nillable; type ArrayOfSynchronisationBean - array of type SynchronisationBean
- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getUserEventsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserEventsInput:getUserEventsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPrimaryKey type stringstartDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeOutput:getUserEventsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUserEventsResult- events - nillable; type ArrayOfEventBean - array of type EventBean
- whenOccured type dateTime
- eventID - optional; type string
- eventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- userName - optional; type string
- deviceID - optional; type string
- userPK - optional; type string
- userType - optional; type string
- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getUserEventsBySynchronisationOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserEventsBySynchronisationInput:getUserEventsBySynchronisationRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
synchronisationID type stringsynchronisationReference type stringafterPK type stringOutput:getUserEventsBySynchronisationResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetUserEventsBySynchronisationReturn type GetUserEventsBySynchronisationResult- events - nillable; type ArrayOfEventBean - array of type EventBean
- whenOccured type dateTime
- eventID - optional; type string
- eventType type EventType - type string with restriction - enum { 'CLOCK_IN', 'CLOCK_OUT', 'TASK_START', 'TASK_END', 'BREAK_START', 'BREAK_END' }
- userName - optional; type string
- deviceID - optional; type string
- userPK - optional; type string
- userType - optional; type string
- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getUserGPSOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserGPSInput:getUserGPSRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringstartDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeOutput:getUserGPSResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUserGPSResult- userGPSInfo - nillable; type ArrayOfDetailedGPSInfoBean - array of type DetailedGPSInfoBean
- deviceID type string
- latitude type string
- longitude type string
- speed type string
- direction type string
- whenFixTime type dateTime
- event type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getUserHoursSummaryOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserHoursSummaryInput:getUserHoursSummaryRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringstartDate type dateTimeendDate type dateTimeOutput:getUserHoursSummaryResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUserHoursSummaryResult- userHours - optional; type HourBreakdownBean
- userPK type string
- userType type string
- userName type string
- deviceID type string
- normalHours type int
- normalMinutes type int
- normalSeconds type int
- overTimeHours type int
- overTimeMinutes type int
- overTimeSeconds type int
- extraHours type int
- extraMinutes type int
- extraSeconds type int
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- getUserSummariesOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserSummariesInput:getUserSummariesRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getUserSummariesResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetUserSummariesResponse type GetUserSummariesResult- userSummaries - nillable; type ArrayOfUserSummaryBean - array of type UserSummaryBean
- primaryKey type string
- name type string
- description type string
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getUserTypesOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserTypesInput:getUserTypesRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
Output:getUserTypesResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type GetUserTypesResult- userTypes - nillable; type ArrayOfUserTypeBean - array of type UserTypeBean
- primaryKey type string
- description - optional; type string
- deleted type boolean
- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- getUsersBySynchronisationOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUsersBySynchronisationInput:getUsersBySynchronisationRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
synchronisationID type stringsynchronisationReference type stringafterPK type stringOutput:getUsersBySynchronisationResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetUsersBySynchronisationReturn type GetUsersBySynchronisationResult- users - nillable; type ArrayOfUserBean - array of type UserBean
- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deleted type boolean
- loginID type string
- name type string
- teams - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- timezone type string
- userTypePK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- emailAddress - nillable; type string
- phoneNumber - nillable; type string
- faxNumber - nillable; type string
- pagerNumber - nillable; type string
- mobileNumber - nillable; type string
- securityQuestion - nillable; type string
- securityAnswer - nillable; type string
- synchronisation - nillable; type ArrayOfSynchronisationBean - array of type SynchronisationBean
- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- removeTaskOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/removeTaskInput:removeTaskRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringOutput:removeTaskResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type RemoveTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- removeUserFromTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/removeUserFromTeamInput:removeUserFromTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringuserPK type stringOutput:removeUserFromTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type RemoveUserFromTeamResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- userNotInTeamFailure - optional; type UserNotInTeamFailure
- cannotRemoveTeamLeaderFailure - optional; type CannotRemoveTeamLeaderFailure
- cannotRemoveTeamLeaderFailure - optional; type CannotRemoveTeamLeaderFailure
- renameTaskOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/renameTaskInput:renameTaskRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
oldTaskName type stringnewTaskName type stringOutput:renameTaskResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source coderenameTaskResponse type UpdateTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- sendMessageToTeamOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/sendMessageToTeamInput:sendMessageToTeamRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringmessage type stringOutput:sendMessageToTeamResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type SendMessageToTeamResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
- sendMessageToUserOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/sendMessageToUserInput:sendMessageToUserRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringmessage type stringOutput:sendMessageToUserResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type SendMessageToUserResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- fieldDeviceNotFoundFailure - nillable; type FieldDeviceNotFoundFailure
- fieldDevicePK - optional; type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- setFieldWorkerUnionCodeOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/setFieldWorkerUnionCodeInput:setFieldWorkerUnionCodeRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringunionCode type stringOutput:setFieldWorkerUnionCodeResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codesetFieldWorkerUnionCodeResponse type SetFieldWorkerUnionCodeResponse- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - optional; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- unionCodeFailure - optional; type UnionCodeNotFoundFailure
- unionCode type string
- updateFieldDeviceOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/updateFieldDeviceInput:updateFieldDeviceRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
fieldDevice type FieldDeviceBean- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deviceID type string
- name type string
- userPK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- isDisabled type boolean
- isDeleted type boolean
- whenLastUpdated - nillable; type dateTime
Output:updateFieldDeviceResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type UpdateFieldDeviceResult- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- fieldDeviceNotFoundFailure - nillable; type FieldDeviceNotFoundFailure
- fieldDevicePK - optional; type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- concurrentUpdateFailure - nillable; type ConcurrentUpdateFailure
- source type ConcurrentUpdateSource - type string with restriction - enum { 'CUSTOMER', 'FIELD_DEVICE', 'JOB', 'ORGANISATION', 'USER' }
- serverUpdateIndex type int
- requestUpdateIndex type int
- updateOrganisationDetailOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/updateOrganisationDetailInput:updateOrganisationDetailRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
organisationDetails type OrganisationDetailsBean- name type string
- description type string
- taxNumber - optional; type string
- taxRate type string
- accountNumber - optional; type string
- address1 - optional; type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- address4 - optional; type string
- postCode - optional; type string
- country type string
- locale type string
- contactName type string
- contactWorkPhone type string
- contactMobilePhone - optional; type string
- contactEmailAddress type string
- externalID - optional; type string
Output:updateOrganisationDetailResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type UpdateOrganisationDetailResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- concurrentUpdateFailure - optional; type ConcurrentUpdateFailure
- source type ConcurrentUpdateSource - type string with restriction - enum { 'CUSTOMER', 'FIELD_DEVICE', 'JOB', 'ORGANISATION', 'USER' }
- serverUpdateIndex type int
- requestUpdateIndex type int
- updateTaskDetailsOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/updateTaskDetailsInput:updateTaskDetailsRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringtaskDetails type DetailedTaskWithAddressAndTime - extension of type DetailedTaskWithAddress - extension of type DetailedTask- taskName type string
- teamName type string
- customFieldArray type ArrayOfCustomField - array of type CustomField
- name - optional; type string
- value - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 type string
- city type string
- state type string
- postCode - nillable; type string
- country - nillable; type string
- start - nillable; type dateTime
- end - nillable; type dateTime
Output:updateTaskDetailsResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateTaskDetailsResponse type UpdateTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- updateTaskManagerOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/updateTaskManagerInput:updateTaskManagerRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringmanagerID type stringOutput:updateTaskManagerResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateTaskManagerResponse type UpdateTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- updateTaskStartEndOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/updateTaskStartEndInput:updateTaskStartEndRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
taskName type stringstart type dateTimeend type dateTimeOutput:updateTaskStartEndResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateTaskStartEndResponse type UpdateTaskResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- validationFailure - optional; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- updateUserOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/updateUserInput:updateUserRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
user type UserBean- primaryKey - nillable; type string
- updateIndex type int
- deleted type boolean
- loginID type string
- name type string
- teams - nillable; type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- timezone type string
- userTypePK type string
- description - nillable; type string
- emailAddress - nillable; type string
- phoneNumber - nillable; type string
- faxNumber - nillable; type string
- pagerNumber - nillable; type string
- mobileNumber - nillable; type string
- securityQuestion - nillable; type string
- securityAnswer - nillable; type string
- synchronisation - nillable; type ArrayOfSynchronisationBean - array of type SynchronisationBean
- synchronisationID type string
- updateIndex type int
- synchronisationReference - nillable; type string
- synchronisationData - nillable; type string
Output:updateUserResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type UpdateUserResult- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - nillable; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- concurrentUpdateFailure - nillable; type ConcurrentUpdateFailure
- source type ConcurrentUpdateSource - type string with restriction - enum { 'CUSTOMER', 'FIELD_DEVICE', 'JOB', 'ORGANISATION', 'USER' }
- serverUpdateIndex type int
- requestUpdateIndex type int
- updateUserPasswordOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/updateUserPasswordInput:updateUserPasswordRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserID type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringoldPassword type stringnewPassword type stringOutput:updateUserPasswordResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type UpdateUserPasswordResult- updateIndex type int
- accessDeniedFailure - nillable; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- userNotFoundFailure - nillable; type UserNotFoundFailure
- userPK - nillable; type string
- validationFailure - nillable; type ValidationFailure
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- property type string
- errors type ArrayOfErrorBean - array of type ErrorBean
- key type string
- values type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- errors - optional; type ArrayOfErrorsBean - array of type ErrorsBean
- wakeFieldDeviceOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/wakeFieldDeviceInput:wakeFieldDeviceRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
userPK type stringOutput:wakeFieldDeviceResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type WakeFieldDeviceResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- fieldDeviceNotFoundFailure - nillable; type FieldDeviceNotFoundFailure
- fieldDevicePK - optional; type string
- wakeTeamFieldDevicesOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action:http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/wakeTeamFieldDevicesInput:wakeTeamFieldDevicesRequest (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeuserBean type UserIDBean
- password type string
- userName type string
- version type NADSWebserviceVersion - type string with restriction - enum { 'VERSION_2', 'VERSION_3', 'NADS_VERSION_2_1', 'NADS_VERSION_3_1', 'TIMECARD_VERSION_1' }
teamName type stringOutput:wakeTeamFieldDevicesResponse (wsdlsoap:body, use = encoded)Source codeparameters type WakeTeamFieldDevicesResult- accessDeniedFailure - optional; type AccessDeniedFailure
- permissionArea type string
- teamNotFoundFailure - optional; type TeamNotFoundFailure
- teamName - nillable; type string
Port type timecard1SoapSource code
WSDL source code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/"
><!-- WSDL created by Apache Axis version: 1.2.1
Built on Jul 28, 2017 (12:47:58 NZST) -->
<schema targetNamespace="http://soap2.nads.econz.co.nz">
<simpleType name="NADSWebserviceVersion"></simpleType>
<complexType name="UserIDBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="UserNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfString">
</complexType><complexType name="SynchronisationBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="OrganisationDetailsBean">
</complexType><complexType name="GetOrganisationDetailResult"></complexType>
<simpleType name="ConcurrentUpdateSource"></simpleType>
<complexType name="ConcurrentUpdateFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="UpdateOrganisationDetailResult">
</complexType><complexType name="FieldDeviceNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfSynchronisationBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="UserSynchronisationBean">
</complexType><complexType name="PrimaryKeyUpdateIndex"></complexType>
<complexType name="CreateUserResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="UpdateUserResult">
</complexType><complexType name="UpdateUserPasswordResult">
</complexType><complexType name="DeleteUserResult">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfUserSynchronisationBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="AckUserSynchronisationResult">
</complexType><complexType name="FieldDeviceBean">
</complexType><complexType name="NoDeviceFieldDeviceBean">
</complexType><complexType name="LoginStatefulFieldDeviceBean">
</complexType><simpleType name="PDAFieldDeviceGateway"></simpleType>
<complexType name="PDAFieldDeviceBean">
</complexType><complexType name="SMSFieldDeviceBean">
</complexType><complexType name="NavmanFieldDeviceBean">
</complexType><complexType name="EmailFieldDeviceBean">
</complexType><complexType name="CreateFieldDeviceResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetFieldDeviceDetailResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfFieldDeviceBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetFieldDeviceDetailsResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="UpdateFieldDeviceResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="DeleteFieldDeviceResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetFieldDevicePKForNameResult"></complexType>
</schema><schema targetNamespace="http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/">
<simpleType name="EventType"></simpleType>
<complexType name="EventBean">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfEventBean">
</complexType><complexType name="TaskEventBean">
</complexType><extension base="impl:EventBean"></extension>
</complexContent><complexType name="PositionEventBean">
</complexType><complexType name="GetUserEventsResult">
</complexType><complexType name="GetAllUserEventsResult">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfTaskEventBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetUnsynchronisedUserEventsResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="UserEventSynchronisationBean">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfUserEventSynchronisationBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="EventNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="AckUserEventSynchronisationResult">
</complexType><complexType name="HourBreakdownBean">
</complexType><complexType name="GetUserHoursSummaryResult">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfHourBreakdownBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetHourSummariesResult">
</complexType><complexType name="CustomField"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfCustomField">
</complexType><complexType name="DetailedHourBreakdownBean">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfDetailedHourBreakdownBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetDetailedUserHourSummaryResult">
</complexType><complexType name="GetDetailedHourSummariesResult">
</complexType><complexType name="DetailedGPSInfoBean">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfDetailedGPSInfoBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetUserGPSResult">
</complexType><complexType name="UserTypeBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfUserTypeBean">
</complexType><complexType name="GetUserTypesResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="HoursPeriodBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="OverTimeBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="OverTimeRuleBean">
</complexType><complexType name="ArrayOfOverTimeRuleBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetOvertimeRulesBeanResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="SendMessageToUserResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="WakeFieldDeviceResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="CreateNewTeamResult">
</complexType><complexType name="TeamNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="DeleteTeamResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="AddUserToTeamResult">
</complexType><complexType name="UserNotInTeamFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="RemoveUserFromTeamResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="SendMessageToTeamResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="WakeTeamFieldDevicesResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetTaskListResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="AddNewTaskResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="RemoveTaskResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="UserBean">
</complexType><complexType name="GetUserDetailResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfUserBean">
</complexType><complexType name="GetUnsynchronisedUsersResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetUserDetailsResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetUsersBySynchronisationResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="BreakTypeExistsFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="CreateBreakTypeResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="BreakTypeNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="DeleteBreakTypeResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetBreakTypesResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="TaskNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="AddNewSubTaskResult">
</complexType><complexType name="DeleteSubtaskResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetSubTaskListResult"></complexType>
<simpleType name="FieldDeviceProperty"></simpleType>
<complexType name="CustomFieldBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfCustomFieldBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="DecimalCustomField"></complexType>
<complexType name="WholeNumberCustomField"></complexType>
<complexType name="CurrencyCustomField"></complexType>
<complexType name="BooleanCustomField">
</complexType><complexType name="TextCustomField">
</complexType><complexType name="TimeCustomField">
</complexType><complexType name="ListCustomField"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetCustomFieldListResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetAddCustomFieldResponse"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetDetailedHourSummariesWithMileageResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="DeleteCustomFieldResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetTeamListResponse"></complexType>
<complexType name="AddTasksToTeamResult">
</complexType><complexType name="DeleteTasksFromTeamResult">
</complexType><complexType name="AddSubTasksToTaskResult">
</complexType><complexType name="DeleteSubTasksFromTaskResult">
</complexType><complexType name="DeleteTasksFromAllTeamsResponse"></complexType>
<complexType name="DetailedTask"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfDetailedTask">
</complexType><complexType name="DetailedTaskWithAddress">
</complexType><extension base="impl:DetailedTask">
</extension><complexType name="DetailedTaskWithAddressAndTime"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetDetailedTaskListResponse"></complexType>
<complexType name="DetailedFieldDevice"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfDetailedFieldDevice"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetDetailedFieldDeviceListResponse"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetSubtasksForTaskAndTeamResult">
</complexType><complexType name="GetTasksForTeamResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeResult">
</complexType><complexType name="GetDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeResult">
</complexType><complexType name="UnionCodeNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="SetFieldWorkerUnionCodeResponse">
</complexType><complexType name="AddRateCodeResponse"></complexType>
<complexType name="RateCodeNotFoundFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="DeleteRateCodeResponse">
</complexType><complexType name="TaskSubtaskBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfTaskSubtaskBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetTaskTypeSequenceForUserResponse"></complexType>
<complexType name="UserSummaryBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfUserSummaryBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetUserSummariesResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="UpdateTaskResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfPositionEventBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetLastUserEventsResult"></complexType>
<complexType name="GetDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResult">
</complexType><complexType name="GetDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCodeAndPremiumPayResult">
</complexType><schema targetNamespace="http://soap.econz.co.nz">
</wsdl:types><complexType name="ErrorBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfErrorBean">
</complexType><complexType name="ErrorsBean"></complexType>
<complexType name="ArrayOfErrorsBean">
</complexType><complexType name="ValidationFailure"></complexType>
<complexType name="TooManyFailure"></complexType>
</schema><wsdl:message name="wakeFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteSubTasksFromTaskResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="removeTaskResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateUserPasswordRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="ackUserEventSynchronisationResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="createUserRequest"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="deleteTasksFromTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="addCustomFieldRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserDetailByLoginIDResponse"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="createUserResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserTypesResponse"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="addSubtaskToTaskRequest"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="getTasksForTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="renameTaskRequest"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="getUserDetailsRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="ackUserEventSynchronisationRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserHoursSummaryResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getFieldDeviceDetailResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateUserResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserDetailRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateTaskStartEndResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getBreakTypesResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDResponse"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="deleteRateCodeRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUnsynchronisedUsersRequest"></wsdl:message>
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<wsdl:message name="addNewTaskRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserGPSRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="sendMessageToUserRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="ackUserSynchronisationResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserTypesRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getHourSummariesResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getFieldDeviceDetailRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUsersBySynchronisationRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="removeTaskRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getOvertimeRulesBeanResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteCustomFieldRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserDetailResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getDetailedHourSummariesRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addTasksToTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteBreakTypeRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getFieldDevicePKForDeviceIDRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUsersBySynchronisationResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateOrganisationDetailResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteBreakTypeResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteUserRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="createBreakTypeRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserSummariesRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getOrganisationDetailResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addTaskWithAddressResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateTaskStartEndRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="setFieldWorkerUnionCodeResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getDetailedFieldDeviceListRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getSubtaskListRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="renameTaskResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addTaskForManagerResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateOrganisationDetailRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateTaskManagerResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addUserToTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getTaskListRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getOrganisationDetailRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="createNewTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateUserPasswordResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="wakeTeamFieldDevicesResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getTaskTypeSequenceForUserResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getLastUserEventsResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addSubtaskToTaskResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getDetailedUserHourSummaryRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getLastUserEventsRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getTasksForTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="wakeTeamFieldDevicesRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addTaskWithAddressRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="sendMessageToTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteSubtaskResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteUserResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getBreakTypesRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getAllUserEventsRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserHoursSummaryRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getOvertimeRulesBeanRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="wakeFieldDeviceResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addSubTasksToTaskRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getCustomFieldListResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteCustomFieldResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserEventsBySynchronisationRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="ackUserSynchronisationRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateTaskDetailsRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getCustomFieldListRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addTaskForManagerRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="createFieldDeviceResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getTaskListResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteSubTasksFromTaskRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUnsynchronisedUserEventsRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getSubtaskListResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="removeUserFromTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getTeamListResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserDetailsResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserSummariesResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addCustomFieldResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getDetailedTaskListResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="setFieldWorkerUnionCodeRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="sendMessageToTeamResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getAllUserEventsResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getDetailedUserHourSummaryResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="createFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getTaskTypeSequenceForUserRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addRateCodeRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateTaskDetailsResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserEventsRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserDetailByLoginIDRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="updateFieldDeviceResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteTasksFromTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="sendMessageToUserResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addNewTaskResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteTasksFromAllTeamsRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteTasksFromAllTeamsResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="addUserToTeamRequest"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getUserGPSResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="getFieldDevicePKForNameResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:message name="deleteRateCodeResponse"></wsdl:message>
<wsdl:portType name="timecard1Soap">
<wsdl:operation name="getUserEvents" parameterOrder="userBean userPrimaryKey startDate endDate"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getAllUserEvents" parameterOrder="userBean startDate endDate"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUnsynchronisedUserEvents" parameterOrder="userBean synchronisationID endDate"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="ackUserEventSynchronisation" parameterOrder="userBean eventSyncBean"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserHoursSummary" parameterOrder="userBean userPK startDate endDate"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getHourSummaries" parameterOrder="userBean startDate endDate"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedUserHourSummary" parameterOrder="userBean userPK startDate endDate showUserTZFlag"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedHourSummaries" parameterOrder="userBean startDate endDate showUserTZFlag"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserGPS" parameterOrder="userBean userPK startDate endDate"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserTypes" parameterOrder="userBean"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="updateOrganisationDetail" parameterOrder="userBean organisationDetails"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="createNewTeam" parameterOrder="userBean teamName teamLeaderUserPK"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="removeUserFromTeam" parameterOrder="userBean teamName userPK"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="sendMessageToTeam" parameterOrder="userBean teamName message"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getTaskList" parameterOrder="userBean"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserDetail" parameterOrder="userID userPK"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="updateUser" parameterOrder="userID user"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="updateUserPassword" parameterOrder="userID userPK oldPassword newPassword"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUnsynchronisedUsers" parameterOrder="userID synchronisationID createdOnOrAfter"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserDetails" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSince" parameterOrder="userID since"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="deleteFieldDevice" parameterOrder="userID fieldDevicePK updateIndex"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getFieldDevicePKForName" parameterOrder="userID fieldDeviceName"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getFieldDevicePKForDeviceID" parameterOrder="userID deviceID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUsersBySynchronisation" parameterOrder="userID synchronisationID synchronisationReference afterPK"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserEventsBySynchronisation" parameterOrder="userID synchronisationID synchronisationReference afterPK"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getBreakTypes" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="addSubtaskToTask" parameterOrder="userID taskName subTaskName"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="addSubTasksToTask" parameterOrder="userID taskName subtasks"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getCustomFieldList" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedHourSummariesWithMileage" parameterOrder="userID start end"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getTeamList" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="addSubTasksToTaskAndTeam" parameterOrder="userID teamName taskName subTasks"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="deleteSubTasksFromTask" parameterOrder="userID teamName taskName subTasks"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedTaskList" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getSubtasksForTaskAndTeam" parameterOrder="userID teamName taskName"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCode" parameterOrder="userID userPK startDate endDate showUserTZFlag"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCode" parameterOrder="userID startDate endDate showUserTZFlag"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="setFieldWorkerUnionCode" parameterOrder="userID userPK unionCode"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="addRateCode" parameterOrder="userID userPK taskName rateCode"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserSummaries" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getManagerSummaries" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="updateTaskStartEnd" parameterOrder="userID taskName start end"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="updateTaskDetails" parameterOrder="userID taskName taskDetails"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="updateTaskManager" parameterOrder="userID taskName managerID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getLastUserEvents" parameterOrder="userID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPay" parameterOrder="userID userPK startDate endDate"></wsdl:operation>
</wsdl:portType><wsdl:binding name="timecard1SoapSoapBinding" type="impl:timecard1Soap">
</wsdl:definitions><wsdl:operation name="getUserEvents">
<wsdl:input name="getUserEventsRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getAllUserEvents">
<wsdl:input name="getAllUserEventsRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUnsynchronisedUserEvents"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="ackUserEventSynchronisation"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUserHoursSummary">
<wsdl:input name="getUserHoursSummaryRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getHourSummaries">
<wsdl:input name="getHourSummariesRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getDetailedUserHourSummary"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedHourSummaries">
<wsdl:input name="getDetailedHourSummariesRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUserGPS">
<wsdl:input name="getUserGPSRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUserTypes">
<wsdl:input name="getUserTypesRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getOvertimeRulesBean">
<wsdl:input name="getOvertimeRulesBeanRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getOrganisationDetail">
<wsdl:input name="getOrganisationDetailRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="updateOrganisationDetail">
<wsdl:input name="updateOrganisationDetailRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="sendMessageToUser">
<wsdl:input name="sendMessageToUserRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="wakeFieldDevice">
<wsdl:input name="wakeFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="createNewTeam">
<wsdl:input name="createNewTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteTeam">
<wsdl:input name="deleteTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addUserToTeam">
<wsdl:input name="addUserToTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="removeUserFromTeam">
<wsdl:input name="removeUserFromTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="sendMessageToTeam">
<wsdl:input name="sendMessageToTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="wakeTeamFieldDevices">
<wsdl:input name="wakeTeamFieldDevicesRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getTaskList">
<wsdl:input name="getTaskListRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addNewTask">
<wsdl:input name="addNewTaskRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="removeTask">
<wsdl:input name="removeTaskRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="createUser">
<wsdl:input name="createUserRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUserDetail">
<wsdl:input name="getUserDetailRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="updateUser">
<wsdl:input name="updateUserRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="updateUserPassword">
<wsdl:input name="updateUserPasswordRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteUser">
<wsdl:input name="deleteUserRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUnsynchronisedUsers">
<wsdl:input name="getUnsynchronisedUsersRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="ackUserSynchronisation">
<wsdl:input name="ackUserSynchronisationRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="createFieldDevice">
<wsdl:input name="createFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getFieldDeviceDetail">
<wsdl:input name="getFieldDeviceDetailRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getFieldDeviceDetails">
<wsdl:input name="getFieldDeviceDetailsRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUserDetails">
<wsdl:input name="getUserDetailsRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSince"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="updateFieldDevice">
<wsdl:input name="updateFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteFieldDevice">
<wsdl:input name="deleteFieldDeviceRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getFieldDevicePKForName">
<wsdl:input name="getFieldDevicePKForNameRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getFieldDevicePKForDeviceID"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getUsersBySynchronisation">
<wsdl:input name="getUsersBySynchronisationRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUserEventsBySynchronisation">
<wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="http://nads.econz.co.nz/timecard1/getUserEventsBySynchronisation" />
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="createBreakType">
<wsdl:input name="createBreakTypeRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteBreakType">
<wsdl:input name="deleteBreakTypeRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getBreakTypes">
<wsdl:input name="getBreakTypesRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addSubtaskToTask">
<wsdl:input name="addSubtaskToTaskRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteSubtask">
<wsdl:input name="deleteSubtaskRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addSubTasksToTask">
<wsdl:input name="addSubTasksToTaskRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getSubtaskList">
<wsdl:input name="getSubtaskListRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getCustomFieldList">
<wsdl:input name="getCustomFieldListRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addCustomField">
<wsdl:input name="addCustomFieldRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getDetailedHourSummariesWithMileage"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="deleteCustomField">
<wsdl:input name="deleteCustomFieldRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getTeamList">
<wsdl:input name="getTeamListRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addTasksToTeam">
<wsdl:input name="addTasksToTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteTasksFromTeam">
<wsdl:input name="deleteTasksFromTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addSubTasksToTaskAndTeam">
<wsdl:input name="addSubTasksToTaskAndTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteSubTasksFromTask">
<wsdl:input name="deleteSubTasksFromTaskRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteTasksFromAllTeams">
<wsdl:input name="deleteTasksFromAllTeamsRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getDetailedTaskList">
<wsdl:input name="getDetailedTaskListRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getDetailedFieldDeviceList"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getSubtasksForTaskAndTeam">
<wsdl:input name="getSubtasksForTaskAndTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getTasksForTeam">
<wsdl:input name="getTasksForTeamRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCode"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="getDetailedHourSummariesWithRateCode"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="setFieldWorkerUnionCode">
<wsdl:input name="setFieldWorkerUnionCodeRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addRateCode">
<wsdl:input name="addRateCodeRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="deleteRateCode">
<wsdl:input name="deleteRateCodeRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getTaskTypeSequenceForUser"></wsdl:operation>
<wsdl:operation name="addTaskWithAddress">
<wsdl:input name="addTaskWithAddressRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUserSummaries">
<wsdl:input name="getUserSummariesRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getManagerSummaries">
<wsdl:input name="getManagerSummariesRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="addTaskForManager">
<wsdl:input name="addTaskForManagerRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="updateTaskStartEnd">
<wsdl:input name="updateTaskStartEndRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="renameTask">
<wsdl:input name="renameTaskRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="updateTaskDetails">
<wsdl:input name="updateTaskDetailsRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="updateTaskManager">
<wsdl:input name="updateTaskManagerRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getUserDetailByLoginID">
<wsdl:input name="getUserDetailByLoginIDRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getLastUserEvents">
<wsdl:input name="getLastUserEventsRequest"></wsdl:input>
</wsdl:operation><wsdl:operation name="getDetailedUserHourSummaryWithRateCodeAndPremiumPay"></wsdl:operation>
</wsdl:binding>About wsdl-viewer.xsl
This document was generated by Saxonica XSLT engine.
The engine processed the WSDL in XSLT 2.0 compliant mode.
This page has been generated by wsdl-viewer.xsl, version 3.1.01
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT